Written by Level Home Staff
Weekday mornings can be chaotic - a dog (Mac) needs to be walked, a toddler (Owen) needs to be fed, dressed and dropped at daycare, and parents (Sean and Lisa) need to leave for work at different times.
Leaving the house, Lisa always has her hands full with her bag, Owen’s lunch, and a little boy that’s interested in just about everything but getting to daycare on time. Now that the doors lock automatically within seconds of their departure, she can keep her focus on making sure Owen has his eyes on the prize.
Once everyone is gone, Mac is left to watch over the home by himself. But his owners haven’t forgotten about him. Lisa used to hide a key under the mat by the back door for her neighbor, but now she sets up a window of time for them to stop by to let Mac out. She sends an invite to their phone so that she can ensure that all of Mac’s needs are met while she’s out for the day.
At the end of the day as Lisa and Owen near home, Lisa gets a notification on her phone asking if she'd like to unlock the front door. Soon after, Sean gets a notification on his phone that they’re home.
“I particularly enjoy getting the notification that the front door was unlocked at 4:45. It’s just a subtle reminder that Lisa and Owen got home safe.”
They always spend quality time together in the evening before it's time for Owen’s bedtime stories. They used to check to make sure the front door was locked before going to sleep every night, but now that it’s automated, they can unwind with one less thing to worry about. Their new life with Level Lock means they have the freedom to be in the moment, so they can focus on the things that matter most.