Published September 4th, 2024

How to make your home a kid-friendly smart home

Written by Level Home Staff

Fact checked by a real parent: Roslyn Dougherty
Roslyn Dougherty
Roslyn Dougherty

Roslyn is a Senior Marketing Manager at Level Home, specializing in integrated marketing campaigns, digital content, and PR. As a parent of two young daughters, ages 3 and 5, Roslyn brings a practical and relatable perspective to navigating the challenges of parenting and getting kids back into the school routine.

How to create a kid-friendly smart home for your family

Creating a kid-friendly smart home means blending safety, simplicity, and fun into a seamless experience. By prioritizing these elements, you can design a space where both kids and parents enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that smart technology offers. The right setup will not only keep your children safe but also enrich their daily routines with engaging and educational activities.

Start by planning what kid-friendly smart home devices you want to buy

Before you buy any smart devices, first consider your family's lifestyle and pinpoint the areas where smart technology can enhance your day-to-day. Take into account your children’s ages and daily routines to select devices that align with their needs. For younger kids, you may want to prioritize safety features such as smart locks and cameras, while older children might benefit from educational tools and smart assistants for homework help. Another consideration for kid-friendly smart devices is the ease of use and whether the devices can grow with your kids as their needs change.

What are some kid-friendly smart home devices & features?

Here are some of the best kid-friendly smart home features that can turn your space into a fun, engaging, and secure environment for the entire family:

Make daily routines easier and encourage good behaviors

  • Chore routines: Set up smart reminders for chores. For example, a smart assistant can remind kids when it’s time to feed a pet, clean their room, or whatever their chores may be.

  • Eco-friendly habits: Teach kids to turn off lights when they leave a room, or adjust the thermostat using smart home controls to save energy. Just remember to teach them why you’re encouraging them to form these eco-friendly habits so they can understand their importance.

  • Smart lighting: Install smart lights that can be easily controlled via smartphone or simple voice commands. Smart lights are often color-changing so you can even customize them for fun or to create a soothing atmosphere to help your child unwind before bed. Choose smart bulbs that gradually brighten to mimic a natural sunrise, providing a gentle wake-up for your kids in the morning, or schedule them to turn on at specific times to signal when it’s time to get up for school.

  • Wake up with natural light: Automated blinds are another smart device that can help your children wake up more naturally and comfortably. By programming your smart blinds to gently rise with the sunrise or at a designated wake-up time, you can harness the power of natural light for your kids’ morning routine.

  • Homework reminders: Smart speakers can be invaluable tools for helping kids stay organized and focused on their homework. By setting reminders for when to start assignments or take breaks, these devices can create a structured environment that promotes productivity. For instance, parents can program the smart speaker to announce study time, encouraging children to transition from playtime to homework seamlessly.

  • Timers for focus: Smart speakers can also be used to set timers that help children concentrate on their tasks for specific intervals, such as 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. This technique, often referred to as the Pomodoro Technique, can be particularly effective for children who struggle with attention.

  • Timers for sharing: Little ones can have difficulty sharing, and timers via Alexa are a great way to help your kids take turns with toys. Set a timer for 5 minutes on your smart speaker to indicate it’s time to switch toys.

  • Timers for potty-training: Everyone potty trains differently, but making use of smart devices can help. Smart speakers like Alexa can be set to go off every 30 minutes to remind you and your child that it’s time to take a potty break. Each day you can gradually increase the timer to larger increments until your children are potty-trained.

  • Building bedtime habits: You can set up the Wi-Fi to automatically turn off in your kids' devices after a certain time of night to limit their access to the internet before bed. Doing this will help your children build better sleep hygiene. You can turn off the trigger on a case-by-case basis to allow your kids to do homework later or to let them stay up late on the weekend.

Foster your child's self-reliance and independence

  • Routine automation: Set up daily routines for your kids that incorporate smart home devices, like morning alarms, breakfast reminders, and evening wind-down routines. By establishing a consistent schedule, children can better manage their time and develop a sense of responsibility. Routines can be tailored to fit your family's unique preferences, for example, you might create a “relaxation time” routine that dims the lights and plays calming sounds, helping kids unwind after a busy day

  • Voice assistants: Encourage kids to utilize voice assistants for everyday tasks, such as turning on lights or checking the weather. You can even set up voice recognition for different family members, allowing for personalized interactions. For example, set up a personalized routine based on who says “good morning” where the lights automatically turn on, the speaker plays music of their choice, and provides reminders for breakfast and packing school supplies. Doing this can make mornings more efficient and enjoyable for everyone.

  • Simple commands: Children can easily initiate their favorite activities without needing to navigate multiple devices or remotes. For example, set up simple voice commands for kids, like “movie time” to dim the lights and turn on the TV. This fosters a sense of independence and empowers them to take charge of their environment.

Support your kids’ health and well-being

  • Parental controls: Setting up parental controls on all smart devices is crucial for creating a secure digital environment for children. These controls enable parents to limit screen time, block inappropriate content, and restrict certain features to prevent unauthorized purchases. By customizing settings for individual devices, families can promote healthy tech habits and ensure a safer online experience.

  • Smart TVs and streaming: Diverse content exposure and skill development opportunities contribute to a child's overall growth and cultural awareness, making smart TVs valuable tools when used thoughtfully. Ensure that smart TVs have parental controls and kid-friendly streaming options, or set up profiles specifically for kids to limit content access.

  • Activity and health monitors: Wearable monitors are an excellent tool for promoting an active and healthy lifestyle among children. These devices can track various health metrics, such as steps taken, heart rate, and temperature, providing valuable insights into a child's physical activity and overall well-being. By offering real-time feedback, wearables can motivate kids to engage in more physical activities, setting and achieving fitness goals.

  • Smart refrigerators: Smart fridges can provide interactive educational content, such as recipes or nutritional information, making meal preparation a fun learning experience for your kids. Some even come with cameras inside so you can check what groceries are there while you’re shopping. With grocery services like Walmart+ InHome, you can even have groceries delivered directly to your fridge while you’re still at work, so you know your kids will have healthy snack options when they get home from school.

Keep your children safe and secure, give yourself peace of mind

  • Baby Monitors: Smart baby monitors provide advanced features that allow parents to track their infant's sleep patterns, including duration and quality, while sending real-time alerts for any unusual activity, such as irregular breathing or crying. Some models also monitor vital signs like heart rate and oxygen levels, offering additional reassurance for parents. Another great feature of smart baby monitors is the ability to view the camera remotely so when you leave your children with another caregiver, you have peace of mind wherever you go.

  • Home security systems: Choose a home security system with remote monitoring and access control to ensure your home is secure. Features like customizable routines, environmental monitoring, and two-way audio help parents stay connected with their children while promoting independence, providing both security and peace of mind. Remember to teach your kids about home security alongside using smart devices, so they understand how to stay safe.

  • Smart locks: Install smart locks on doors to keep children safe from wandering outside, and set up alerts to notify you whenever a door is opened. With smart locks and door sensors, you can see when your kids arrive home, ensuring their safety and giving you peace of mind that they are accounted for. Smart locks are also a great way to ensure your kid is never locked out of the house while you’re not home.

  • Cameras and doorbells: Utilizing smart cameras and video doorbells allows parents to monitor who is at the door in real-time, providing an added layer of security for their children. These devices enable two-way audio communication, so parents can speak to visitors without opening the door, ensuring that kids are not tempted to answer it for strangers. By integrating these smart technologies, parents can create a safer home environment while teaching children the importance of caution when it comes to tricky people. Remember to communicate with your children that even if you know the person and they have an unexpected drop in, not to answer without clear instructions from your adult.

  • Smart outlets and plugs: Use smart outlets to turn off appliances that could be dangerous if left on, like irons or space heaters. With the ability to control these devices via a smartphone app, parents can ensure that dangerous appliances are powered down even when they are not at home. This feature not only reduces the risk of accidents or fires but also provides peace of mind, knowing that the household is safer and more secure.

Make learning enjoyable for your kids

  • Learning devices: Smart learning devices like tablets with educational apps and interactive globes can greatly enhance a child's educational experience by providing engaging content that makes learning fun and accessible. These tools help children understand complex concepts in subjects like math, science, and geography, fostering essential skills and a love for learning in an immersive way that traditional methods may lack.

  • Interactive learning: Smart speakers enhance children's education by allowing them to ask for definitions, explanations, and practice math problems, making learning interactive and engaging. They can provide instant feedback, reinforce school lessons, and facilitate interactive games, storytelling, and educational content. Some devices, like Amazon Fire Tablets, are even specifically designed for fun and enriching experiences tailored for kids.


In conclusion, incorporating smart home features can transform daily routines into smoother, more enjoyable experiences for both children and parents. By leveraging technology, families can foster a supportive environment that not only encourages good behavior but also enhances safety and well-being. Embracing these innovations allows parents to manage their households more effectively while instilling positive habits in their children. Ultimately, a kid-friendly smart home can lead to a happier, more organized family life.